How fit do you have to be?
Not as fit as you think. If you can run a half marathon then you can row an ocean. It’s the mental strength that gets you through. We train some to strengthen our core to help avoid injury but as long as you can get up at the start of each two hour shift and row, you will make it across!!
How do you resupply your food?
We don’t! All our food has to come with us when we leave as we are completely unsupported. That means for the Indian Ocean crossing we will have to take over 2,000 freeze dried meals with us!
Where do you go to the toilet?
Wherever we want, as long as the end result is into a bucket, which we then chuck over the side!
How do you remove salt from water?
There are two desalinators on board, one electric and one manual. These work by forcing water at extremely high pressure through a ceramic membrane which, through reverse osmosis, filters out the salt to provide fresh water.
What's the rowing schedule?
We will row in pairs and each pair will row for hours and then swap with the opposite pair and have 2 hours rest, meaning that nobody will have more than 90 minutes of sleep at any one time for the whole crossing!
Where do you sleep?
In the aft cabin.
What do you do if you get into trouble?
Although unsupported we have about 12 different ways to send out a distress call if we need help. We can call for advice using the satellite phone but if we find ourselves in the deep brown smelly stuff we can set off a number of devices that initiates a chain of events that result in the nearest ship to us being asked to divert and come to our aid.
What keeps the boat from capsizing?
The boat can’t be stopped from capsizing, but if it does go over it will self right again. The two cabins act like giant air bubbles to help turn the boat back up the right way.
What is a nautical mile?
1 nm = 1.150 or 1.852 KM
Do you poo over the edge?
No no no no no! Just no!
What do you eat?
We are using Extreme adventure foods freeze dried meals to get most of our daily calorific intake. Think of a healthy pot noodle. You just add boiling water and wait for it to rehydrate. We will also have snack packs. These will be made up of chocolate, jelly sweets, protein bars, nuts etc and will provide about 1200 calories a day.
Sponsorship and donations
How do I donate?
There are two ways to help support the challenge.
- You can help us get to the start line by donating here. Your support will enable the challenge to go ahead and allow us to raise funds for the charities that we are supporting. The money that you pledge will go on everything from the individual meals that we eat to shipping the boat from Antigua to Australia and everything in between. A rough breakdown can be found on our corporate sponsors page.
- Donate directly to the charities through our Virgin Money Giving page.
- Donate directly to the charities through our Virgin money giving page https://uk.virginmoneygiving.com/brainwaves